Saturday, March 28, 2020

Chemical Education Course From UICO

Chemical Education Course From UICOUICO Chem Peer Tutoring is an online process of providing chemical education for students who have an interest in chemistry. The course is offered to the general public and offers no-risk education to students with no previous knowledge in the subject. This online chemistry course can be accessed from any location at any time.The course teaches an entire body of knowledge and provides a thorough introduction to the whole process. Chemists and other professionals have successfully used this course in order to fully understand the concept and application of this area of study.This online chemistry program makes a great addition to UIC program in the fields of healthcare, health sciences, life sciences, nursing, nutrition, counseling, teaching, pharmacology, environmental health, and many more. Students have a good chance of making excellent chemistry career choices after the completion of this online course.There are more than 12 million people who ha ve taken up this course. They are doing so because they are already acquainted with Chemistry and know how to handle it. After completing this course, they are equipped with the required knowledge and skills required in this field.This UICOPT web-based chem-teaching program is accessible to all online UIC Chemistry course students. The materials which are provided in this course are capable of producing a sense of personal achievement that will make them want to continue with this education beyond the course completion date.To find out about the types of courses being offered by UICO Chem Peer Tutoring, one can simply check the UIC Ochem web site. They have resources, lists of programs, and information about their chemical education program.The course consists of 6 modules and the other three are advanced ones. This online program will improve your understanding and retention of the concepts of Chemistry. Once you complete the program, you will also have the opportunity to start wor king with an employer and will get a license to practice the science.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Stay Relevant And Increase Your Skill Set During Summer Without A Job

How To Stay Relevant And Increase Your Skill Set During Summer Without A Job Take Online Courses Learn some new things that can help you brush up, improve, or gain a new skill set! These can be courses actually offered by university or tutorial video classes that you can take online. There are so many options, free options especially; it would be a shame to miss out on them. You can take classes offered for free by world renowned universities like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Berkeley, MIT, and more! See what kinds of online courses they offer and when sometimes you can even get certifications for taking certain courses. While they might not show up on your transcript, you will still have gained some valuable knowledge that can help you in whatever you are trying to achieve. And having a certification from a school like Yale or any of the others listed above will look pretty impressive on your resume. You can also take classes via You do need to set up an account with them, but the number and types of classes you can take are endless! Many schools, like Florida State University, actually provide accounts to this website for all of their students automatically. You can learn more about social media marketing, how to improve your Photoshop skills, or how to use your camera better. The videos are sorted by levels so you can start at a beginners level and rise to the top. There is always a class that could help you improve on what you already do and what you want to do as well. School Sponsored Subscriptions Check to see what resources and subscriptions your school might be engaging with that you never knew about! Universities often pay for subscription services for every student affiliated with their university, but if you do not know about it then how can you utilize it? Websites like are common, but there are other more unique websites that your school might already be paying for that you can use as well. If you are into theatre and want access to reading plays for free, check and see if your school is connected to Drama Online, an online database where you can read both classic and contemporary plays. Is there a particular topic you would like to know more about or do research on? See if your school is connected to Jstor, which stands for  Journal Storage, and is actually a huge online database or stable of a myriad of different scholarly articles or journal articles that have been published. Get in the know in whatever topic you choose by perusing the articles stored there. You can learn about history, science, mathematics, economics, you name it! The possibilities can seem endless. Volunteer Sometimes you might not be able to work your dream job, but you still might be able to work for your dream company or in your dream field. Find a way to volunteer your time to an organization or in a field that is beneficial to you. Perhaps you want to get into marketing but need more experience in order to get a real job or more experience in order to make sure that marketing is really what you want to do. Find an organization that would be more than happy to have you do their marketing for them. You might not be paid, but you will certainly get some real, hands on experience that will benefit you and your career in the long run. And you can make some great connections and network in order to find a paying job in the future.

How to land a job teaching English in Italy

How to land a job teaching English in Italy Teaching English in Italy certainly sounds attractive. Of all the opportunities to teach abroad in Europe, it’s one of the most popular. Whether you’re looking for a snug rural town or a boisterous city, you’re bound to find an ESL teaching position that suits you. Let’s paint the picture (mostly because I want to talk about pasta), this is the country that brought us the epic novels of Elena Ferrante (yes, you should read them, and failing that watch the TV show), where you can spend time wandering among the artifacts of ancient Rome and where food is basically an art form. Sipping wine, indulging in the world’s best pasta, or, well, ice cream for breakfast (hello! Sicily). Italians know how to enjoy life and although you don’t need to be a foodie to teach there, you’ll probably leave Italy a fully-fledged mozzarella snob. Food aside, Italy is a stunning place to make a life. It’s not always easy to land a job, because there’s no shortage of teachers wanting to live here. But it’s still possible! And we recommend targeting areas with bigger populations. There’s more demand for English teachers in the cities and plenty of ESL schools where you can wrangle yourself a teaching position. What’s the best way to go about finding an English teaching job in Italy? You can get a good position through some of the teach English in Italy programs, but the most common way is to approach ESL schools in-country. I’ve listed some tips here that should help you make the right impression when you approach a school. These are pretty typical methods employed, so anything less will make you look a bit slap-dash! 1. It’s wise to prepare a CV. An obvious, but important starting point. Remember to highlight your experience and qualifications as a teacher as well as any Italian language skills you might have. I would even go as far as to get it translated into Italian to show them how much you care! 2. If you’re not a European citizen, then sort a visa. Most schools tend to expect teachers to have a visa before they apply. So if you’re not a European citizen, try to get your hands on a work visa before you get on a flight. 3. Have some lesson plans in your back pocket. Think of it as a portfolio and have a nicely printed folder of lesson plans or a word doc, ready to go! Nothing proves you’re a teacher better than showing it. 4. Rock up to the school. No I’m not joking! Showing a little initiative will go a long way when it comes to landing an ESL teaching position in Italy. You will need to be armed with a CV and inquire politely about opportunities. 5. Failing that - call. If you can’t get to the school or the thought of just turning up gives you the heebie-jeebies, then maybe calling to see about ESL opportunities is an idea. We’d always follow this up with an email. 6. The email. If you’re sending an email make sure you include a teaching demo video and a CV. Good schools will have no shortage of teachers expressing interest and you want your application to be taken seriously. Like many ESL teaching jobs in Europe, this requires a bit of a risk on your part. So we’re certainly not suggesting this method is for everyone. The teach English in Italy programs route is definitely a better option for any teacher that finds the idea of turning up at a school and looking for work daunting. What types of English teaching jobs are up for grabs? There’s a number of different ways you can teach English in Italy. From summer camps to language schools, there’s short-term and long-term options. Below is a quick summary of what you can expect to find. 1. Private English language schools Private English language schools represent the biggest opportunity for teaching abroad in Italy. These schools are always hiring and tend to do so on a contractual basis. This is usually project-based work (like a company that wants to ramp up its English efforts) and is often referred to as tempo determinato. Other private schools like to hire freelancers, in which case you will need to sort a Partita Iva declaring you are a freelancer and have a VAT (tax) number that they can use for their invoices. This might be a bit headache-inducing as you’re technically responsible for all your invoices and taxes. It might also require a certain amount of English proficiency. You won’t find a lot of these schools online so it will take a bit of work on your side. There are plenty of different institutes and some popular ones to look out for include the British Council Italy and Wall Street English. These companies can also offer placement issues, but you will get a much better sense of English language schools once you’re in the country. Contracts can range from 4-week summer camps to an entire academic year! So it completely depends what you’re looking for. 2. Placement programs Although most of the jobs will fall into the contractual or freelance pile, there are several opportunities to apply for a position in a more traditional way. These are programs dedicated to finding English teachers and bringing them to Italy to teach English. Some of these are short term and others span a little longer, a lot of them are amazing opportunities for students looking to get a bit of experience abroad. a. The Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program (ETA) This program is internationally recognized and a welcome addition to any resume. Focusing on young professionals and recent college graduates it’s a way to apply to be an English teaching assistant in Southern Italian high schools. The placement generally consists of a 12-25 hour work week, over a 9 month period (October - June). Applicants need to speak Italian and have a bachelor’s degree. b. The English Camp Company This company tends to attract younger candidates who want to work in a summer camp and simply have their expenses covered. If you’re outgoing and energetic (and they seriously mean that!) then this is a great way for native English speakers to get a little teach abroad experience. Room and board is about all that will be provided, so you’ll need some savings to make this work. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Which Italian cities have the most ESL jobs up for grabs? This one is easy - if you’re interested in teaching in Italy, you’re probably wondering where to start. Some of the popular destinations for ESL teachers are Rome, Florence, Milan, Naples and Turin. This list is by no means comprehensive, and there are plenty of other beautiful towns and areas that will catch your eye. These cities are simply a taste of where you might find the highest concentration of jobs. When’s the best time to look for a job? You can pretty much land private teaching work at any time. But as with most regions in Europe, September/October is probably the most typical hiring season. Okay, so hit me with the requirements Requirements are a mixed bag, but there are certain things which will be expected for most English teaching jobs in Italy. A 120-hour TEFL certification (trust us, it will make all the difference) Native-level English speaking capabilities A bachelor’s degree European citizen or a work visa* Obviously if you speak Italian - let them know! Having some local language skills will really up your likelihood of landing a job. *It’s possible to work under the table - but not recommended! Taking the time to get a visa will make sure you don’t end up in any desperate work situations that could easily be avoided. What’s the money like as an English teacher in Italy? Can I actually afford a decent lifestyle? If a high salary is your main motivation for teaching abroad then maybe Italy isn’t for you. It’s possible to make anywhere between $1,000 - 1,500 per month (if you can get full-time hours). Realistically, you will just about cover your cost of living with a bit to spare for weekend trips. The cost of living is cheap, but the average ESL teacher salary will not afford you a lavish lifestyle. Aside from money for flights, we recommend saving enough to get you through the first month. Wannabe ESL teachers in Italy might want anywhere between $2,000 - 2,500 to get themselves comfortably set up.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to revise for a language GCSE

How to revise for a language GCSE Language exams are designed to test your understanding of a language. Which is why they test your ability to read, write and speak in a variety of situations. Due to this, you will need to have a command of essential verbs and vocabulary and know the elements of grammar. Also, ensure you know the exam format and what your examining board is testing you on. Usually, it will be listening, speaking, reading and writing. To help yourself revise for all of this, try the following tips. Focus on vocabulary When it comes to improving your vocabulary of any language, the earlier you start, the better. The more time you give yourself to expand your knowledge of words and phrases, the easier it will be on exam day. The best way to do this is to have a 'vocab book', where you can jot down any new words or phrases that you might come across in your reading and listening. Creating topic-specific vocab lists will also be helpful, so be sure to read target texts that are written in a variety of styles. Then note down any words or phrases that could prove useful. This way, when it comes to revising, you can use the lists to go over the words and get someone to test you. You could also try sticking post-it notes of useful words and phrases around your room for extra help. Conversation is key If there's a secret to revising a language, it's working on your conversation skills. Conversing with native speakers regularly is as good as hours in a classroom. Find yourself a language tutor or students who want to learn English. Better still go online and find some language groups you can converse with. This will all help with both your oral skills and your written ones. Challenge yourself to think in the new language Practising and constructing sentences and fake conversations in your head in the language you are learning will help. This kind of visualization leads to a better understanding of the language. It will also help In the conversation aspect of your GCSE where you need to use present, past and future tenses and as many complicated structures as possible. One-on-one tutoring is the best and most efficient use of your time Sitting with a tutor for a few hours, every week is a great way to learn and revise a language. On top of this, it's better to study a little every day, instead of doing a lot once in a while. You'll learn way more if you spend 30 minutes daily studying rather than say, 8 hours once a week. Go to where the language is spoken If you can't travel to the country of origin, seek out native speakers, language films and audiobooks in the language. Exposure to the spoken language is critical when it comes to revising. For instance, if you are learning French, listen to French radio or watch French TV, or read a French newspaper or journal. It will help you to formulate sentences in your head and make sense of what others are saying. Reading a wide range of French texts of different styles will also help to expand your vocabulary. Be sure to note down any new words or phrases you find that you think could be useful in the exam. Do your grammar practice Revision for the reading exam requires a lot of grammar practice, especially tenses. You must be able to identify the past, present and future tenses. You should also be familiar with all question types, such as what, why and when questions. Past papers are a great way of revising for the reading paper, as they will help to familiarise you with the words and phrases used for different topics. Other forms of reading practice include reading language novels, or newspapers and blogs in your target language. Record yourself When revising flashcards, revision notes, creating sentences using vocabulary all help. Yet the most significant aid for your presentation is recording your voice during a speech as this helps you perfect your pronunciation and identifies errors and mispronunciation. Also, try to practice your presentations with another person. Even if it's someone who doesn't speak the language as speaking aloud will help improve your confidence for the day. For further help in any language look here for tutors in your area.

New English Tutor in Charlotte, NC

New English Tutor in Charlotte, NC Meet our new Tutor Mr. Ulysses H. He lives in Charlotte, NC and specializes in English as 2nd Language, ESL, TOEFL. Ulysses is currently a certified ESL teacher in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. He received his certification in TESOL from UNC Charlotte (2012). Ulysses is currently attending UNC Charlotte to obtain his M.A.T. in TESOL. Ulysses  has an undergraduate degree in Economics from North Carolina AT State University. He  loves working with people from other nations and cultures. In the process of teaching people from other cultures, Ulysses  learns new things that he  would have not known. Ulysses has worked with young children to adults in ESL. He  is flexible and willing to teach you what you need. Ulysses  and other English Tutors on TutorZ  are  here to help you become successful in your acquisition of the English Language. They  look forward to meeting you and beginning a journey in the English language.

Online One Up Tutoring - Is It a Scam?

Online One Up Tutoring - Is It a Scam?There are lots of reasons to choose one up tutoring and plenty of good reasons not to do so. They have a very simple, honest system that is based on actual market trends and the honest assessment of what the competition is doing to their students.One thing that has become apparent to me is that one up tutoring is a rip off. It does not provide value for money, it is a scam. We need to take some time to look at the problems with the business and the benefits and do our homework before taking the plunge.One up tutoring is based on a well know formula. This is to do with adding price, increasing the value of your course by as much as you can get away with and then looking for a loophole in the system. Many people seem to believe that one up tutoring is just like any other tutoring or training. It is not.One up tutoring is all about giving you more value for money. It is about moving the cost of the course onto your shoulders so that you do not have to do any of the work yourself, and I think that is where the biggest problem lies.If you take one up course and the cost is too high, it really makes no sense to go ahead and pay it. In fact, it is unlikely that you will ever make enough money from one up tutoring to be able to quit your job and earn a good living with this method.Even if you were to be lucky enough to find a couple of exceptional tutors, if you're still paying them for the work they did, you will never make a decent profit. The ones that work the hardest are going to take longer to pay themselves back than any tutor working in the internet.One up tutoring is very much of a business first and foremost. If you're going to use it to earn a good living and pay your mortgage, then it is an acceptable way to make money and to learn a lot of skills, but it is not a good way to earn good money.

Is There A Math Tutor Needed Near Me?

Is There A Math Tutor Needed Near Me?Are you looking for a math tutor needed near me? Are you considering teaching yourself the skills and knowledge you need to succeed at school, work or life? If so, then you will need to make sure that you do your homework before you enroll in a private tutor program.Because your primary source of information about tutors is online, it's imperative that you research which type of math tutor is right for you. You want to look for someone who has experience in your subject area and is willing to spend time with you personally to help you learn to apply what you are learning. You also want to choose a tutor who is qualified to teach any age group, and not just your grade level students.Before you decide on the math tutor, you need to seek out feedback from students in your subject area. Speak with people who know someone who has hired a math tutor to help them with their homework. Make a list of people in your local area who may be able to help you fi nd a math tutor. Or if you are planning to take up tutoring in another country, make sure to find a tutor who speaks the language.When you begin to do your research for the math tutor needed near me, you'll want to find one who is experienced in the subjects you're looking to learn, whether that's algebra geometry, trigonometry or calculus. Keep in mind that the skills learned by a tutor will have an impact on your own personal education as well as your grades. So if you want to learn something new, you'll want to find a tutor who knows what they're doing.When you finally find a tutor you like, take some time to communicate with them. It's important that you find someone who can help you in a friendly, non-judgmental environment. It's much better to get criticism than praise when you're trying to learn something new. Make sure that the math tutor you choose really understands your needs, and is willing to work with you and work to help you learn the skills you need.Just remember tha t you shouldn't feel pressured into choosing a tutor. It's perfectly normal to want to know whether the tutor you've chosen is going to help you reach your goals. Don't get bogged down in the process. Find the best math tutor for you and move forward!When you decide that a math tutor is needed near me, begin your search now. Speak with friends and family members, take a trip to the library and do some online research. As long as you find a math tutor who has experience and is willing to help you learn the skills you need, you should be fine.

Build Your French Vocabulary Family Members and Relationships

Build Your French Vocabulary Family Members and Relationships Sign up successful Tes parents (your parents) have you and your siblings â€" which are all leurs enfants (their children). Your parents might have their own siblings, brothers and/or sisters, which, to you, would be  ton oncle et ta tante (your uncle and your aunt). Their children would be tes cousins (your cousins). However, none of these family members would exist without your dear old grand-père et grand-mère (grandfather and grandmother). Now, some families have one or more animaux de familier (pets), while some don’t have any. Some people have un chien (a dog), some have un chat (a cat), and others might have un canari ou un poisson (a bird or a fish). Some people have cute little lapins (bunnies), and others have majestic strong chevaux (horses). French Possessive Adjectives In French, it’s important to know the proper way of using possessive adjectives to modify French nouns. For example, when talking about your pets, your friends’ pets, or anyone else’s pets. All possessive adjectives come before the noun, whether it’s a singular masculine, feminine, or plural French noun. When referring to singular masculine nouns, we use: mon ? my ton ? your [informal] son ?  his/her/its notre ? our votre ?  your [formal] leur ? their When referring to singular feminine nouns, we use: ma ? my ta ?  your [informal] sa ?  his/her/its notre  ?  our votre ? your [formal] leur ? their Lastly, when referring to plural nouns, we use: mes ? my tes ?  your [informal] ses ?  his/her/its nos ? our vos ?  your [formal] leurs ?  their Example Sentences To help you better grasp that concept, here are several examples and their translations: C’est mon chien. â€" It’s my dog. Elle est la sÅ"ur d’Alexandre. â€" She is Alexander’s sister. Non, Marc n’est pas leur père, il est leur oncle. â€" No, Marc isn’t their father, he is their uncle. Ils sont sympas, tes frères? â€" Are your brothers nice? Je te présente mon ami, Oscar. â€" I present to you my friend, Oscar. Ma demi-sÅ"ur s’appelle Sheenna et mon demi-frère s’appelle Nikki. â€" My half-sister is named Sheenna, and my half-brother is named Nikki. Describing Romantic Relationships Lastly, let’s discuss relationships of love using some common French vocabulary words. Sometimes you have a friend with whom you share a strong connection. Soon, he/she becomes your meilleur ami (best friend), as you spend  lots of time together and get  to know each other. After a while, you may ask him or her to be your petit ami (boyfriend) or your petite amie (girlfriend). You both come up with nicknames for each other,  like ma chérie ou mon chérie (my sweetie for girls and boys, respectively). After a few years of amour (love) and romance (romance), you may ask him or her to be your fiancé (fiancé). Then, you both might get married and may  even start a family of your own. Need help pronouncing all of this new vocabulary? Check out the following video tutorial. Youll learn how to say these words and more! To help with memorization, come up with a story using these new French vocabulary words. Try creating  a story about your family and friends how old they are, what they like to do, and what you all like to do together. A tout a l’heure, mes étudiants! Post Author:  Emmanuel N. Emmanuel N. teaches online Spanish and singing lessons. He earned his B.A. in psychology from California State University, Fullerton and has been teaching lessons since January 2015.  Learn more about Emmanuel here! Photo by  amira_a Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

The Advantages of Teaching Group Tutorials

The Advantages of Teaching Group Tutorials What Are The Benefits of Teaching Private Group Tutorials? ChaptersIndividual Private Tutorials or Group Private Tutorials?How Should Group Tutorials Be Conducted?Group Tutorials: Why Learn in a Group?What Are the Disadvantages of Group Lessons?“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Xun KuangPrivate tutorials are recommended for pupils who are struggling in a variety of subjects: languages, music, science, humanities, etc.The tutoring market in the UK is estimated at £2bn per year and has been growing in recent years with over 40% of pupils in London having received tutoring in some form.This can make teaching private tutorials very appealing to aspiring tutors. Home tutoring is becoming increasingly popular for test prep, helping students with their homework or an assignment, and providing academic support for a semester or throughout the whole academic year.Not convinced?In our final  article in our series on teaching group tutorials, we’re looking at the advantages of teaching multiple students i n private tutorials. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsIndividual Private Tutorials or Group Private Tutorials?To help a struggling student, finding a private tutor to teach them is one of the best solutions available to parents.Students will learn from each other. (Source: StockSnap)Private tutorials are an opportunity for a student to go back over something they didn’t understand in class in a relaxed environment where they won’t be scared of giving a wrong answer or being judged by the peers.Sociologists have noted that it’s normally the upper classes who can afford private tutorials for struggling students. Additionally, th e children of the upper classes are statistically less likely to fail at school than those from the working classes, which you might think isn’t really fair.Private tutorials are a significant expense for some families and can put a bigger strain on those with lower household incomes.  That said, academic support can still help close the gap between the classes in terms of education as students can get help with subjects they might be having trouble with at school.Private tutorials and academic support provide students with a number of benefits: some children prefer to work in a group tutorial as they work better than they do in class at school.Let’s have a look at the two options available to parents and students: individual private tutorials and group private tutorials.A group class will have the costs divvied up between all the students. Group classes provide learning in a friendly environment where students are encouraged to share learning with each other.The classes normall y include a group no larger than 10 (though this will vary depending on age and subject) and students are supposed to learn from both the tutor and one another.Some subjects are better for group lessons than others, especially subjects like languages, music, sport and fitness, and maths.  On the other hand, group sewing classes or group exam prep classes aren’t really as good.It completely depends on what the objectives of the tutorials are...How Should Group Tutorials Be Conducted?You’ll read that you can get group classes in any subject you like for students in primary school, secondary school, and beyond.Group tutorials can be really sociable. (Source: Free-Photos)There are different types of group classes such as intensive tutorials, catchup tutorials during the school holidays, and preparation classes for the upcoming school year. The main benefit is that the tutors and students can develop a better rapport with one another than they can in individual private tutorials.They can also learn at a quicker rate than in class as their tutor can spend more time with them, adapt to their learning style, and help them achieve the grades that they really deserve.Another difference with group tutorial is that they tend to take place at a dedicated classroom rather than a student’s home.  Flexibility is essential for private tutors.  The more tutees the private tutor has, the more flexible they’ll need to be, both in class and when they plan their lessons.Private tutorials can take place in the evenings and during the school holidays.  This is especially true for the tutors on Superprof, who often offer tutorials to individual students and to groups of students in dedicated classrooms either at their home or elsewhere.Can you really teach all subjects to groups at any level?Even for the best tutors, there are some subjects that can’t be taught in groups.  A guitar lesson tends to be better with individuals whereas language lessons and subjects which require discussion are much better in groups.Group Tutorials: Why Learn in a Group?Learning in a group is a great way for some students to catch up with what they’re struggling with at school.Learning with others can be far more enjoyable than learning on your own. (Source: coyot)There are plenty of other advantages to private group tutorials.Firstly, the law of supply and demand can help: The more students in a class, the less per person that each student has to pay.Generally, a private tutorial costs between £15 and £30 per hour.  In a group class, a tutor could charge £30 per student for a two-hour tutorial.The student can learn twice as much for less.The tutor can also earn more. For example, £150 for two hours of classes with 5 students rather than £60 for two hours with a single student.Group classes can be more effective than individual classes: students learn together and share.  They also create social bonds with other students.  This can help students rebuild their confide nce after a bad year at school or when their confidence is knocked when they start struggling in a certain subject.Let’s consider a Spanish lesson, for example: having the group discuss a Spanish text and speaking to one another than encourage students to learn. Another advantage is that most teachers in state schools have to plan a class for dozens of students at once.Even with the best intentions and a myriad of teaching approaches, they can’t always teach in exactly the way they’d like.  Instead, they may have to digress, focus on a particular point, and make sure every student is on the same page before advancing.Let’s go back to our example of a Spanish class. Rather than doing a list of irregular verbs, a private tutor could make Spanish conjugation into a game.How?By incorporating the verb conjugations into simple phrases in a conversation with the students.  Thus, they’ll improve their speaking and listening skills without realising they’re even studying.Private tutorials are an opportunity for students to catch up, consolidate their studies, and feel equal to their peers by being helped academically in the heart of a group experiencing the same difficulties as them.What Are the Disadvantages of Group Lessons?It’s not all good, though. Everything has its pros and cons.Of course, group tutorials aren't always fun and games. (Source: WokinghamLibraries)A private group tutor summed it up perfectly:“One of the disadvantage of group classes is that certain students are more advanced than others, which can demotivate those who don’t have the resources to catch up with them.”The problem is that not every student advances at the same rate, just like in primary school or secondary school.There’s also geography. If students need to travel across town by car, bus, tram, or metro to get to the classroom, they can get demotivated on the way.  In some cases, parents just don’t have the time to take their kids to another class.Not bothered by the disadvantages?You can find a tutor on Superprof easily by searching your subject and where you live. This will provide you with a list of tutors providing academic tutoring in your area. If you select “via webcam” when you search, you can find an online tutor.If you're worried about the cost or getting the wrong tutor, don't forget that most of the tutors on Superprof offer free tutoring for the first hour so you can see if you or our child get along with them and whether the tuition they're offering is for you.Interesting in providing your own private tutoring services?If you create your profile on Superprof, you can offer instruction in plenty of subjects including physics, mathematics (calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc.), chemistry, biology, English, French, Spanish, etc.You just have to create your profile and state what you teach and where you teach it. You have the option of offering individual tutorials or group tutorials.As we mentioned earlier, you can also offer online tutoring via webacm. However, unless you and all your students have a really good internet connection, this is much better for one on one tutoring than for group tutoring jobs.With all that said, nothing's impossible and since you're your own boss, it's up to you to decide to solution that works for you and what you want to teach!